The advanced way of applying powder coating is utilized for
decorative and protective finishes to any metal which is used by industry and
consumers. The procedure uses a powder which is of fine and resin pigment
particles, sprayed on the metal surface. This allows the powder particles to
become charged and stick to the metal surface. This offers uniform,
high-quality finish, durable and attractive look. In this blog, the pros and
cons of powder coating
services are mentioned. Have a look…
Pros Of Powder
1. Durable: Powder coating offers
consumers, businesses, and industries a durable, long-lasting and economical
finish with a range of color alternatives. Moreover, a powder-coated surface
will be resistant against chipping, scratches, fading and wear compared to
another kind of finishes.
2. Saves Money
Sinking waste will save money in the long-run while
assisting companies in compliance and economically with agency regulations.
3. Protects The Environment
It is better to liquid painting finished that consists of
solvents that are famous to be pollutants of volatile compounds. Powder coating
does not have any solvents, and it liberates the very minor amount of VOC’s.
This means that finishers no longer have a need of purchasing and maintaining
expensive tools for pollution control.
Cons Of Powder
• Needs a powder
coating over, booth and spray gun
• Needs baking
• Less control over
• Hard to touch up
• Start-up costs
are too much
• Color change difficulties
• break down if directly
affected to UV rays
• Hard to achieve
thin coating layers
• Fewer control
over the amount and speed of powder coating applied
So, these are the pros and cons of powder coating services.
If you are using wet paint as your finish, switch to powder coating to receive
all the advantages listed here.