Chain link fencing is strong and durable boundary protection that is applied for both domestic and industrial use. They are also used for government installations, military and public properties as periphery protection. Chain link fence is made up of galvanized steel wires and they are also LLDPE coated sometimes for specific requirements. The Chain link fence manufacturers Saudi Arabia fabricate them with wire mesh panels that are made with zig-zag pattern thus forming a chain link with steel wires. It is usually a diamond pattern which decorates the chain link fence mesh. They have small gaps in between links that does not provide any foothold thus prevent scaling by intruders. The fencing is used in sports facilities, airports, public parks, highway protection, over bridge barricade, and high protection fences with barbed wire coil top.
Chain link fencing needs can be fabricated with need specific to industries and other applications. It is a cheaper option to brick and mortar walls and is maintenance free as they are coated with anti-corrosive compounds that protect them from rusting. The high resilience steel wire mesh is impact proof and will give in a few inches than break when it meets high resistance or weight. The fencing is a great defense against intruders in sensitive military installations, petro chemical industries, government applications and highway and wildlife protection.
The anti drone fence Saudi Arabia is another contribution from steel fabricators that prevent drones from spying on you. With advanced technologies spying has gone several notches up and anti-socials and anti-nationals use drones to snoop on private and government installations. Steel fabricators in Saudi Arabia have come up with a stout defense in the form of anti-drone fence which will erect an electronic wall which will block the signals being received by a drone from a remote source. It is a jamming device and important periphery defense which renders drones incapable of finding the flight path and perish. As a government installation or defense installation you will need fencing to stop the drones and in Hi-Tech Fencing affiliated to Nartel, KSA you have the best defense against them. Call their numbers +966 11 2080072 Mob: +966 555015793 or mail to get a quote.